Awaken the Magical Child Within

From the moment of the 'idea of conception' for a life we want to live, we have past life wounding connected to the lessons we want to learn appear as past life momentum.

This helps to frame, create & manifest all the experiences we have as an infant, a young child, a child, a teenager........& then we live our life on rinse & repeat until the lesson is learnt & the core cause cleared. 

We all do soo much Healing, & often it doesn't quite stick, it's not as permanent, as deep or as long lasting as we want.

In alignment with my own Soul Purpose, grounded into the New Earth energies I've birthed this exquisite Healing program so we can clear what is preventing us from awakening to the truth of who we are. And clear what is preventing us from stepping into our Light.

This exquisite & deeply comprehensive healing program will empower us to live in alignment with our Hearts, our Divine Feminine, our Divine Masculine, our LightBody, our Higher Mind, our Higher Heart, our Higher Self, Source & Creation within us.

  • Do you feel like you’ve seen lots of therapists & healers for the same thing & it’s just not shifting?

  • Do you feel like you’ve done lots & lots of ‘work’ on yourself but you still struggle with low self worth, low self confidence & low self esteem?

  • Do you feel like you’ve worked with lots of healers & spiritual teachers but you’re still not able to access your intuitive gifts? What are my intuitive gifts?

  • Are you feeling frustrated & tired of the same problems showing up in your life?


You were created from Light. You are Light. You’ve just forgotten.

As human beings with a human soul we’ve had so many experiences, developed so many limiting & negative beliefs & so many stories that we believe they are true. We believe they are our truth. They are not.

You are not your limiting beliefs. You are not your experiences. You are not the stories that are circulating around your head. You are not the painful past lives you’ve had. All that stuff is simply stuck on the outside. The core of your Human Soul is pure Crystalline Light. Your Crystalline Core consists of, Love, Joy, Grace, Innocence, Acceptance & Peace. In our 4 & 1/2 days together we will reactivate & reconnect to these beautiful energies that are actually your truth.

We will also gently and lovingly heal, clear, cleanse the totality of your energetic systems of the past. From the moment of conception, through in utero, your birth, the first 72 hours of life, including the past life shadow you entered this life with. This huge healing & clearing clears the slate for you. As all that old stuff falls away it is replaced with your Light. Your Light contains beliefs, magic, talents, stories & gifts for you to explore & play with.

On our last day together we will experience our own Birthing Ceremony, ground all that we are into the unconditionally loving & supportive Heart of Mother Earth. We'll receive birthing gifts from our Birthing Angels, & from our Guardian Angel. Gifts that will help us fulfill our Soul Purpose this lifetime. You'll discover who your personal support crew are this lifetime, which Ascended Masters & ArchAngels are loving you, supporting you, & guiding you every step of the way. We'll also connect you to your Spiritual Family & the Ancestral Lineage that is specifically here to work with you & through you this lifetime to be in service to Humanity, the Earth, the Animal Kingdom at this incredible time on Earth. Just as it was meant to be when you were born. Only this time you are grounding & anchoring in all your exquisite Light into the New Earth Energies.

  • You are worthy of love

  • You are worthy of all your dreams coming true

  • You are loved & supported beyond what your human brain can comprehend & you deserve the opportunity to discover that what feels like & what your life looks like when you embrace that.

    When you prioritise You, care for You, feel worthy, feel valued, feel supported, feel like you belong to You, Spirit, Creation the Earth ~ Life changes, your relationships improve, your friendships improve, work & business improves, your health & vitality improves & so does your finances. Life shifts in alignment to your new loving relationship with You

Awaken the Magical Child Within runs periodically, online with Zoom.

You are welcome to reach out anytime to join the next group :) We would love to have you.


Ah-Ren-Del Spiritual Expansion Group